Treatments of Diphomoeocare | Homeopathic clinic in ahmadabad, India for Online Homoeopathic Treatment
Each and every type of allergy can cure by us .allergic rinitis,allergic sneesing,allergic bronchial asthama,allergic cough and cold
Food allergy, atmosphiric allergy like dust,pollen,smell etc. allergic eye
Skin Allergy
Allergic dermetitis,urticaria,allergic eatching,allergic boil
Skin Allergy
Drug Allergy
Some patient is very sensetive to allopathic drugs...they can't tolerate any drugs.we are the best aulternative for those type of patient
Drug Allergy
Headach due to gas and acidity,tention headach,cronic headach is easily cured by us.
Joint pain
We have almost 99%success ratio in case of allergy and migrain.
Gestric Complains
Cronic gas-acidity,indigetion,cronic abdominal pain and cremps,nosia and vomiting.,flatulance,wroms innfection.
Gestric Complains
Gestric Complains
Irritable bowl syndrome ulcerative collitis,continious urging for,stool due to tention and dipperation urging stool imidiatly after eating.cronic gestritis
Gestric Complains
Gestric Complains
Gestric Complains
Motion sickness(travel vomiting)cronic constipation
Respiratory Complain
Gestric Complains
Unstopable diarrohoea in children,piles,fistulla,fissure
Respiratory Complain
Recurrent cough and coldasthama,recurrent tonsilitisrecurrent pnumonia,
Respiratory Complain
Respiratory Complain
influenzacroup,laryngitis,sore throatt,swin influenza,swin flu
Skin Complain
Skin Complain
Skin Complain
WARTS on hand,foot,face and genitals,corns on foot and palm,acni on face,acni on back
Skin Complain
Skin Complain
Boils on skin,carbuncle,atopic dermetitis,hyper pigmentation,molluscum contagiosum
Skin Complain
Eczemapsoriasis,lichen planus,
Skin Complain
Skin Complain
Skin Complain
Female Complain
Skin Complain
Hair falling,dendreff,allopacia,fungle infection
Children Problems
Skin Complain
Cronic fungint infection which is resistant to allopathic drugs.
Orthopadic complain
Planter fascitis-pain infeet,sole and healsciatica
Urological Complain
Joint Complain
Goutarthritis,spondylisis,joint pain after chikungunia,frozen shoulder
Urological Complain
Female complain
Missed abortion,infertility,secondery infertility,feeding related problem like,increase milk or reduce milk,hormonal problem at monoposel age
Psycological Problem
Female complain
Menstrual problem,pain during mensis,white discharge,PCOD
Children problems
child can't bear allopahic medicine or vomiting the medicine.increas immunity, bed wetting,hight problem....hyper active clildren
Auto Immune Disease
Children problems
Tonsilitis,worms infection,dentitional problem,AUTISM
Urological complain
Recuurent urinary tract infection(uti)cystitis,
Urological complain
Renal stone,nephrotic syndrome,cronic renal failoure
Urological complain
Renal stone,nephrotic syndrome,cronic renal failoure
Trigeminal nuralgiabell's palsy,viral menengitis,Guillain syndrom,
Sea Sickness
Allergic Dermatitis
Clotting in brain due troma where,surgery is not possible think to us as aulternative...
Enlarged Spleen
Psycological Problem
Scizophreniadipretion,sleeplessness,beheviaral problem,mania,obsessive compulsive disorder
Sjogren's syndrome,parkinson's disease,SLE,multiple sclerosis,mysthenia gravis or,muscular dystropy
Stroke Sunstroke
we gives supportive treatment for cancer cases
Surgical Shock
Homeopathy can useful in case of some case where no recovery with morden medicine then think once about us
Warts on Hands
Warts on Hands
Gold Homoeocare